Booker T Would Welcome Hulk Hogan Back, Puts Onus On Pop Culture To Stop Using The N-Word

Publish date: 2024-05-01

On the most recent edition of the Heated Conversations podcast, WWE Hall of Famer Booker T chatted about a potential Hulk Hogan return to the WWE.

On the use of the N-word by Hogan and in popular culture:

“We’ve heard this word used for many many many years. God rest Martin Luther King’s soul, a man who did his best to bring us up as a people. I’ve heard that word used many many times and I’ve heard it on some of our popular radio stations on a weekly basis. Sometimes they don’t even bleep it out. It just rolls right through it. I was talking to one of our police officers in Galveston and he said the word is universal. Not only black kids use it in the schools; but, the white kids, the Mexican kids, the Asian kids, it’s become popular. It’s because we call ourselves that all the time and until we can stop saying the word ourselves, we shouldn’t have the problem with anyone else saying that term and that’s just my opinion. That’s the way it is with me.”

On his gratitude for Hogan & a potential Hogan return:

“The only thing Hogan can do is apologize, atone for it and we move forward. Hulk Hogan was in my corner back in the day. If it wasn’t for Hulk Hogan, I don’t know if Booker T and Stevie Ray would have got the push that we got, all because Hulk Hogan said those are the guys we should put some money behind…A lot of it was due to that man saying, ‘Give these guys the go ahead.’ I’m taking that word and putting it aside and let that man take his rightful place back in this business. I’m not going to take that from him and sit here and say, ‘He should be blackballed in the game,’ for saying something a lot of us say on a daily basis….let this man who has done so much for the wrestling business which is the WWE.”

On interracial dating & “human nature”:

“It’s not about black and white in this issue right now at this point in time, I really don’t think so. You’re a white guy. I’m a black guy. You’ve got a daughter and I’ve got a son. My son ends up dating your daughter and they come home, I might get wide eyed….there’s no malice intended or anything like that as far as me not liking the girl or me not wanting my son to be with her. Would I want my son to be with an African American little girl? Perhaps. That’s called human nature. When people deal from a human nature perspective they might do or say anything. When it’s got something to do with your family, you might do or say anything, especially if you’ve been drinking. Everybody knows about black men. They have big hands and big feet [laughter]. Hulk, the first thing that comes to mind is this kid has big hands and big feet [laughter.] This was an isolated incident where a man was taping him unbeknownst to him. Should he have said it? No. It got out there because someone was trying to make some money at Hulk Hogan’s expense.”

On his reaction to Hogan, if he were to return:

“I’m going to come hug him and say, ‘Hey man, what’s going on? I’m glad you’re back.’ That’s what I’m gonna say.”

Readers interested in listening to the entire Heated Conversations episode may do so below.
