"He just started talking a bunch of sh*t man once I left"

Publish date: 2024-05-08

Former WWE Intercontinental Champion Ahmed Johnson recently spilled the beans on his longstanding heat with AEW star Mark Henry.

While Johnson's time in WWE may have been relatively brief, from 1995 to 1998, he left an indelible mark on the industry by becoming the first African-American Intercontinental Champion in WWE's history.

In an interview on the Two Man Power Trip of Wrestling podcast, Ahmed Johnson didn't mince his words while discussing his heat with Mark Henry. According to him, Henry started talking trash about him after he left the promotion.

"He just started talking a bunch of sh*t man once I left. Nobody did when I was there. When I was there, they didn't say a word to me, but as soon as I left, all these rumors started, man, so I don't know what the deal is," Johnson said.

Furthermore, he said Henry was upset because he became the first black Intercontinental Champion:

"I think they're mad, number one, they're mad because I became the first black Intercontinental Champion in history. Number two, they're mad because they've been wrestling for years and years, some of them 14 years and I come in at the one year and get the Intercontinental belt and I don't think that the boys appreciate that,” Johnson said (H/T - WrestlingNews)

WWE Hall of Famer Mark Henry had called Ahmed Johnson "a bad human being"

Mark Henry defended D'Lo Brown against former WWE Superstar's Ahmed Johnson's allegations. In 2021, Johnson claimed that Brown injured Darren Droz, and never contacted him after the incident.

Speaking on Busted Open Radio, Henry defended D'Lo Brow and said that he and Brown both speak to Droz all the time.

"I just wanted to defend D’Lo Brown. He said that, in that article, he said that D’Lo Brown was dangerous and that D’Lo Brown ended Darren Drozdov’s career and never spoke to him again. I speak to Darren all the time. D’Lo speaks to Darren all the time. Guys, just so you know, I’m telling you the truth. This is a bad human being."

He continued:

"So before you start trying to tear down D’Lo Brown, future Hall of Famer, before you tear down a guy that actually was a World Champion, why don’t you look in the mirror. Your credibility is shot. Your slip is showing," said Mark Henry.

It remains to be seen if Johnson and Henry will ever bury the hatchet in future.

What are your thoughts on Ahmed Johnson's comments? Sound off in the comments section below.

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