Men Who Were Body Shamed By Hollywood

Publish date: 2024-04-16

Since his days as a fighter pilot in Top Gun, Val Kilmer's weight has been a common topic for the tabloids. He's been shamed for being too heavy and too thin —seemingly never "just right," according to Hollywood's standards. 

In 2014, Kilmer took to Facebook to address his weight. "I have been urged by friends to post something about my perfect health and weight loss. Can't win in this crazy town. Too heavy for too many years and now gossip says, too thin!" Kilmer said he'd lost weight in a healthy manner to prepare for his "dream role" as Mark Twain in a cinematic one-man show.

Kilmer was scrutinized again when reports surfaced that he'd been offered a role in Top Gun 2. Some movie fans weren't too happy, calling the actor too "old and fat" to revive his "Iceman" character. "Hope he loses some weight for the movie," one fan posted on Kilmer's Facebook. Kilmer responded, "Who tom?" Presumably referring to co-star Tom Cruise, who played Maverick in the original, Kilmer added, "I'm down to 165 lbs so u couldn't b talking about me could you?"

If this sequel does get off the ground and Kilmer reprises his role, we're certain he'll make a great wingman at any size.
