Secret Benefits Review - AskMen

Publish date: 2024-04-29

For sugar daddies looking for the sugar baby of their dreams.

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Editor’s Summary

This is a site for men looking for “sugar daddy” arrangements, wherein they spend money on a (traditionally young) woman in exchange for, if not affection, at least a date or two. If you believe in such relationships, and you're financially able to pursue one, it's handy to have a website that can facilitate that, because it’s not exactly straightforward to approach a woman in a bar and ask her whether she’s interested in financial support.

There are a few dating sites of this genre in existence already. But a couple of things set SecretBenefits apart. The first is the unconventional payment system. Essentially, this is a paid site. You can browse around with a free membership, but you can’t really do anything productive -- messaging requires money. But unlike most pay-to-play dating sites, SecretBenefits works on credits. You pay for a set number of credits, which are exchanged for the privilege of opening a channel of communication with your chosen match. You can also throw down some credits to see more photos of a given member of the site. This payment method makes a lot of sense. Rather than paying for a discrete block of time, like a month, during which you have to message as much as possible to get the most out of your investment, you can disperse your credits over however long a period you feel like. Ten credits buys you unlimited messages with the sugar baby of your choice, or access to a sugar baby's private photo album. Since this is a wealth-based dating site, a certain amount of expense is to be expected, but 10 credits costs less than a cup of coffee, and sugar babies have complete access to the site for free.

The other thing that’s special about SecretBenefits is its design and layout. This is a really nice looking website. Everything is intuitive and attractive, and operates quite smoothly. Signing up happens almost instantaneously. You can search matches in your area with an intuitive and simple set of filters, and the results are displayed elegantly. The messaging interface, as well, is nicely designed, and there aren’t any extraneous bells and whistles that get in the way of an efficient experience. The only drawback to the site’s overall design is that there’s no mobile app, which will be a deal-breaker for consumers who are accustomed to the fun of swiping on Tinder while waiting for lunch to arrive. One nice thing about SecretBenefits is that there’s a photo verification feature. This ensures that the profile pictures of your matches are actually accurate, meaning that you won’t meet up for a fancy date with someone who looks completely different than as advertised. However, unlike with some other sugar daddy sites, there’s no corresponding feature for wealth verification. That means that you might have to address this with your sugar baby, in person -- though it certainly helps that you have to spend money on them before you can even arrange that first date.

It’s worth noting that while, in previous years, users of SecretBenefits have complained of fake profiles and spam messages, these problems seem to have been resolved, if they ever existed in the first place. Other complaints have involved the presence of escorts on the site. This is a practice that’s officially banned on SecretBenefits, although there’s obviously no way to prevent it completely.

Overall, SecretBenefits is a fun site that’s worth a look for aspiring sugar daddies -- it’s more minimal than other sugar daddy sites, but also easier, faster, and better designed.


Sign-Up & Login Process

SecretBenefits has an incredibly easy sign-up procedure. Filling out a long profile isn’t required. You don’t even need to upload a picture to start browsing, although obviously having one increases the utility of the site. You’ll be on the site within minutes.

Members & Messaging

The site boasts approximately one million members, split evenly between men and women, and casual browsing reveals that there are sugar daddies and sugar babies of diverse age and ethnicity. Messaging is quite simple, but can’t be initiated without the use of credits. As for photos, sugar babies can choose to offer free, public albums, or pay-to-see private albums.

Key Features

Safety & Security

SecretBenefits' privacy policy mentions that it collects and stores any personal information that you provide, but notes that it will only be shown to other logged in SecretBenefits users. The site also uses the SSL protocol for security encryption. For more details, see the site’s privacy policy.


The site has a fairly well-written blog, which details stories of sugar daddy success, as well as tips on establishing financially-based relationships.

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